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관련 스포트라이트
전체 이름: Dan Hill
Title: 유니베일 로담코 웨스트필드 개발 담당 수석 부사장
경력 부동산 개발자, 건축가
Dan은 창의적이고 수완이 풍부한 복합 부동산 개발 분야의 리더로 글로벌 업계 네트워크를 보유하고 있습니다. Dan은 25년간 고부가가치, 수익성 높은 리테일, 복합 용도 및 마스터플랜 프로젝트를 개발 및 설계한 경력을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 역동적인 고객 중심 프로젝트의 전략적 비전 수립, 생성, 개발 및 제공에 있어 여러 분야의 글로벌 프로젝트 팀에 도전하고 관리할 수 있는 헌신적인 전문가입니다.
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전체 이름: 베티 봉
직책: 회계 담당 이사, 유니베일 로담코 웨스트필드
저는 베트남에서 태어나 11살에 미국으로 이민 온 중국인입니다. 17살에 미국 시민권자가 되었고 고등학교를 다니면서 은행 업계에서 첫 아르바이트를 시작했습니다. 대학에서 학업을 이어가는 동안 풀타임으로 일하며 학사 학위를 취득했지만 일반적인 4년보다 더 오랜 시간이 걸렸습니다. 노력과 열정, 인내를 바탕으로 저는 특히 현재 근무하는 동안 각 회사에서 전문적으로 성장할 수 있는 기회를 축복받았습니다.
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Full Name: Carly Gabara
Title: Regional Manager of Signature Experiences, Unibail Rodamco Westfield
I am a dedicated and motivational people manager with a passion for guest experience and developing teams with ten years of progressive management experience in retail and hospitality. I facilitate training programs to internal and external team members. I work with guest, retailer, and employee relations.
In your own words, describe your career.
My first job was at a frozen yogurt shop where I worked my way up to a manager. Next was the retail world with Macy’s as a…
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Paul Yanover has been the President of Fandango since 2012. Over seven years, the once small movie ticket selling company has grown from under 125 employees to over 700 with offices in the U.S. and South America. Yanover said it has become a dedicated marketplace of “experiences for consumers across the entire lifecycle of entertainment” through the acquisition of companies like Rotten Tomatoes and M-Go, which helped build the home streaming service FandangoNOW. Before he helmed the NBC Universal affiliate, Yanover held executive positions at The Walt Disney Company’s Animation…
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Full Name: Natasha Ruiz
Title: RN, MSN, Emergency and Family Nurse Practitioner
I’m Natasha! I’m a nurse practitioner. I live in sunny California with my husband and our shaggy dog.
In your own words, describe your career.
I’m a dual, board certified Family and Emergency Nurse Practitioner. Even though I am a nurse practitioner, I am still a nurse, I am just using my license to practice in a different way. Nurse practitioners have the highest authority to treat in the nursing field. I can examine, diagnose, develop treatment plans, order diagnostic testing, prescribe…
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Jo Kwon has been a reporter for CBS 2/KCAL 9 since July of 2017. However her experience in journalism, working for print, radio, and broadcast outlets, goes back more than a decade. She started with a newsroom internship at The Cambrian and various local TV news stations in 2002 while studying for a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Kwon said writing for a newspaper taught her that she wasn’t a fan of writing for print, but also that print is the “best foundation for a great storyteller/reporter” because of…
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