
비슷한 제목

CNC Machinist (Computer Numeric Controlled Machinist), CNC Machinist (Computer Numerically Controlled Machinist), Gear Machinist, Machine Repair Person, Machinist, Maintenance Machinist, Manual Lathe Machinist, Production Machinist, Tool Room Machinist

작업 설명

Modern society is in love with products, both large and small. From cars to computers, we can’t live without our manufactured goods. And without CNC Machinists and Operators, many (if not most) of the products we use and often rely on wouldn’t exist. These skilled tradespeople use a variety of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines and equipment to produce a wide range of precision metal parts. 

Machinists and Operators have similar duties, but Machinists have more experience and may supervise Operators. They input instructions into the CNC machine they’re working with to ensure the parts are cut and crafted as needed. They may produce one specific part over and over, or have a set of parts they need to make batches of each day. In some cases, their job is to repair or replace a broken part. 

CNC machines can be very dangerous to work with, which is why CNC Machinists and Operators must be highly trained in their proper usage. In addition to using these machines, Machinists and Operators may also utilize lasers and electrified wires as they work, adding even more risk into the equation! This makes it even more imperative to strictly follow safety protocols. It’s also why most employees in this trade learn their skills through a combination of academic courses and supervised apprenticeships. 

경력의 보람있는 측면
  • Making parts that are vital to the completion of much-needed products
  • Contributing to the overall economy by providing a steady stream of parts used in almost all industries 
  • Plenty of independence, for those who don’t enjoy customer-facing jobs or roles with a lot of managerial oversight 
2021년 채용 정보
2031년 예상 고용
인사이드 스쿱
직무 책임

근무 일정

CNC Machinists and Operators work full-time, with overtime necessary depending on goals and timeframes. Their duties are usually performed indoors in factories or shops, but work may require them to travel to various locations to do on-site repairs. 

일반적인 의무

  • Discuss final product needs and costs of producing them in the desired quantities
  • Review reference files (blueprints, drawings, etc.) and written descriptions and specifications of desired parts and items to be made
  • Create new work sketches 
  • Determine the order of sequence of the work process before starting
  • Use measuring instruments to determine the dimensions of the final fabricated pieces
  • 허용 오차를 확인합니다. 공차 가공할 재료의 공차 확인
  • Use computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs, as needed
  • Set up, program, and operate computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools to make, or machine, precision parts
  • Ensure program updates are compatible with CNC machines
  • Adjust various components of CNC machines, such as cutting blades, holding fixtures, etc.
  • Determine the type of blanks to use in creating a specified workpiece
  • Mark metal stock where cuts will be made
  • 필수 개인 보호 장비를 착용하고 정해진 안전 수칙을 준수하세요.
  • Keep an eye on CNC machine feeds and speeds 
  • 선삭, 밀링, 드릴링, 성형, 연삭 등의 공정을 사용하여 부품을 제작합니다.
  • Screen items after cutting for defects and quality. Make adjustments to machinery, if necessary
  • Diagnose machine errors and make minor repairs. Disassemble as needed
  • Verify that completed products comply with requirements
  • Remove waste material from workspaces and recycle or dispose of it properly 

추가 책임

  • 기술 매뉴얼에 대한 최신 정보 확인 
  • Train and mentor new CNC Machinists and Operators, technologists, and technicians
  • 작업 공간을 청결하게 유지하고 기계에 대한 정기적인 유지보수 수행
  • 담당자와 기술적 문제를 논의하세요. 
  • Offer advice during the project planning phase, if asked
직업에 필요한 기술

소프트 스킬

  • 경보
  • 분석
  • 주의
  • 규정 준수 지향
  • 비판적 사고
  • 디테일 지향
  • 징계
  • 끈기 
  • 계획 및 구성
  • 문제 해결 능력
  • 건전한 판단 
  • 체력
  • 팀워크
  • 시간 관리 

기술 능력

다양한 유형의 조직
  • Employment services
  • Machinery manufacturing
  • Machine shops
  • Transportation equipment manufacturing
기대와 희생

CNC Machinists and Operators are relied on to mass-produce products that conform to very specific requirements. Thus their work must be meticulous, even under pressure to meet deadlines. They have to take into consideration multiple factors, including what metals to use and how best to cut or shape them. Factories can be loud and dangerous, requiring workers to wear protective gear, such as goggles and hearing protection. 

They need to carefully follow safety procedures to avoid injury to themselves or others in the area. The day-to-day job requires plenty of stamina because workers are usually on their feet, often in a bent or leaning positions. The repetition of machining parts can get monotonous after a while, but workers have to keep their focus because of the inherent hazards of the job. There can be long periods of working alone, so Machinists sometimes need to look beyond their place of employment for socializing.  

현재 동향

There are many CNC machine trends shaping the future of the industry. One is the development of machines capable of higher speeds, including faster spindle speeds, faster feed capacity, faster computing, and faster tool changing. These increases don’t diminish precision, because CNC machines are getting more accurate at the same time! 

Along with these advancements, 3D printing is starting to share some of the workloads to make parts that CNC machines finish. Another change is the use of digital twins which “duplicate a CNC machine and its environment, including its setup on the shop floor, within the CAM software, providing accurate toolpath simulation” in order to “reduce or eliminate any surprises that may occur during the machining process.”

이 직업에 종사하는 사람들은 어렸을 때 어떤 종류의 일을 즐겼습니까?

People who get into machine-related career fields usually enjoy working with their hands and feel comfortable using tools and stationary heavy equipment. They might have enjoyed math and computer programming courses in high school or liked doing projects in shop classes. 

Machinists can collaborate with others but don’t mind being on their own for long periods. They might have been very independent growing up and may have always wanted a job where they have some freedom to do their work without a lot of interaction with others.

교육 및 훈련 필요

필요한 교육

  • CNC Machinists and Operators need at least a high school diploma or GED
  • Many workers in this field pursue a certificate or associate’s degree at a community college or technical school where they brush up on their math skills and learn how to read blueprints, work with metal, use hand tools and CAD or CAM programs, and how to operate CNC machines
  • Other common courses include:
    • Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing 
    • Multi-axis milling and turning
    • Precision measurement
    • 프로그래밍
    • 매장 안전
  • Taking formal education classes prior to applying for jobs isn’t necessary, but can help make you more competitive during your job search
    • Candidates with more qualifications may have better luck finding jobs where they can then learn remaining skills via On-the-Job training
    • They might also land a sponsored supervised apprenticeship!
    • Note, workers who are learning OJT or via apprenticeships may still be required to take classes outside of duty hours, to supplement what is being learned at work
  • Optional certification programs can help Machinists and Operators qualify for advancement. Below are just a few of the certifications options out there:
  • There are also manufacturer and software-specific certs available!
대학에서 찾아야 할 것들
  • CNC Machinists and Operators don’t need to attend a four-year university, but decide if you want to complete a certificate or associate’s at a technical school or community college
  • 수업료, 할인 및 지역 장학금 기회 비용을 고려하십시오 (연방 지원 이외에)
  • Think about your schedule and flexibility when deciding whether to enroll in an on-campus, online, or hybrid program. Many relevant courses may need to be done in-person to get hands-on experience
  • Review the program’s job placement statistics for graduates
고등학교와 대학에서해야 할 일
  • Check out Stecker Machine’s What is a CNC Operator? article for a great overview of the day-to-day 
  • 고등학교에서 수학(산술, 대수, 기하학, 삼각법), 물리학, 컴퓨터 과학, 재료 과학, 상점 수업에 많이 등록하세요.
  • Consider learning about mechanical drawing and blueprint reading through self-study
  • Take ad hoc classes online, from Coursera, Udemy, or other sites
  • Enroll in a community college or vocational/technical school program to learn CNC machining
  • Engage in a fitness program that can build your strength and stamina
  • Get some real-world job experience via part-time jobs related to machining or shop work
  • 채용 공고를 미리 검토하여 평균 요구 사항이 무엇인지 확인하십시오.
  • 향후 작업 참조 역할을 할 수 있는 연락처 추적 
  • Study books, articles, and video tutorials related to CNC machining tools, programs, and processes
  • 온라인 포럼에 참여하여 질문하고 노련한 전문가로부터 배우십시오. 
  • 전문 조직과 협력하여 배우고, 공유하고, 친구를 사귀고, 네트워크를 성장시키십시오(리소스 > 웹사이트 목록 참조).
  • 이력서 작성을 일찍 시작하십시오. 진행하면서 계속 추가하여 아무것도 놓치지 않도록하십시오.
일반적인 로드맵
CNC Machinist and Operator Gladeo Roadmap
1차 직장에 입지를 잡는 방법
  • 다음과 같은 채용 포털을 확인해 보세요. Indeed, Simply Hired, Glassdoor, 그리고 Craigslist
  • 가능하면 지원 전에 실제 매장 업무 경험을 쌓아두세요.
  • 찾아보기 수습직 고용주, 노조 또는 무역 협회가 후원하는 수습직 찾기
  • Ask working CNC Machinists and Operators for job-seeking tips
  • Get a certificate or associate’s degree. It isn’t always needed to get started but may put you ahead of the competition
    • According to O*Net, about 33% of Machinists have a post-secondary (after high school) certificate, and 17% have “some college, no degree.” The rest are working with just their high school diploma or GED
  • 학교의 커리어 센터에 채용 담당자 및 취업 박람회와의 연결에 대한 도움을 요청하세요.
  • 잠재적 추천인에게 추천을 해줄지, 추천서를 써줄지 미리 물어보세요.
  • Check out Machinist resume templates and review Machinist job interview questions
  • At interviews, be honest and show a motivated attitude and eagerness to learn 
사다리를 오르는 법
  • Expect to start out in entry-level CNC Operator roles then work your way up to CNC Machinist positions
  • Pay close attention during OJT and any classes the employer sends you to
  • Stay positive and motivated. Do solid work, follow procedures, and stay safe
  • Demonstrate that you can be trusted to work independently. Set the example for others to follow
  • Knock out relevant certifications to enhance your skills
  • Ask your supervisor how you can improve your knowledge and skills to better serve the company
  • 제조업체 및 소프트웨어 가이드를 공부하세요. 전문가가 되어 귀중한 존재로 거듭나세요.
  • Learn all you can from those with more experience (but also keep in mind to follow procedures as directed by your employer)
  • Keep your cool under pressure, and treat everyone with respect
  • Collaborate effectively on teams, stay focused, and demonstrate leadership
  • Train new workers thoroughly. Their mistakes could reflect back on your training
  • 다음과 같은 전문 단체 및 노조와 지속적으로 교류하세요. 국제 기계공 및 항공우주 노동자 협회
계획 B

Laboring in a shop or factory on CNC machines can be tiring, monotonous, or even lonely work. Many people enjoy it, but it’s not a job for everyone. If you’re interested in exploring similar occupations, the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests the following:

  • 보일러 메이커
  • 산업 기계 기계공, 기계 유지 보수 노동자 및 밀라이트
  • 금속 및 플라스틱 기계 노동자
  • 용접기, 커터, 솔더러 및 브레이저

In addition, O*Net features these careers:

  • Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
  • Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
  • Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders
  • Tool and Die Makers

뉴스 피드

온라인 과정 및 도구