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관련 스포트라이트
Spring 2020 Transportation Design graduate, Yitian Chen created this video self portrait of highlights from life and work.
글라데오 리그 리포터인 케이틀린 토레스가 베이 지역의 레나 주택에서 건축 매니저로 일하는 미투 왈리아를 인터뷰합니다. 미투가 어릴 적부터 이 일을 할 운명을 타고난 이유에 대한 이야기를 들려줍니다!
글래데오 리그의 기자 케이틀린 토레스가 쉘 오일 마르티네즈에서 콘솔 운영자이자 교대 리더로 일하고 있는 제시카의 이야기를 들어봅니다.
During 9/11, Paul J. Schmick was working as a District Manager for a telecommunications firm in New York City. After working in Ground Zero’s harsh conditions led to a family member’s diagnosis with lung disease, Paul felt an urge to serve his country. Looking for a place to start, Paul pursued a low wage job in the private security industry to gain experience. While working his way up from his weekend part-time security job, Paul pursued a role within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. On March 17, 2008, Paul was sworn in as a Transportation Security Officer for the U…
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Marcela Denniston is the Vice President of Field Engineering at ShieldX Networks; a San Francisco-based company that focuses on protecting organizations against cyber threats. Marcela’s cyber security career began at Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU), where she joined their U.S. Navy program immediately out of high school. Marcela worked in the Navy for seven years, then moved into the commercial sector. She said cyber security is about protecting information systems and networks connected to the internet, including computers, servers, cell phones and vehicles.
What kind of people…
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글라데오 기자 Katelyn이 산타클라라 밸리 교통국에서 환경 계획가로 일하고 있는 패티의 경력에 대해 인터뷰합니다.