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관련 스포트라이트
Ernest is a Los Angeles native with a mild addiction to coffee. In his decade-long career as a product designer, he’s helped build award-winning websites and apps for a diverse range of companies like Thrive Market, Hulu, and Change.org. With degrees in biology and music, Ernest’s path to his current profession was a bit unconventional. He discovered his interest in design after his first job, and since then has continued to seek out new challenges to keep learning and growing as a designer. Ernest is currently freelancing, teaching at General Assembly, and mentoring…
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Gladeo reporter, Katelyn Torres, interviews Aileen about her career as a vet tech and shares how she got to where she is now.
글라데오의 기자 케이틀린 토레스가 니콜의 무용 교육자 경력에 대해 인터뷰합니다.
글라데오의 기자 케이틀린 토레스가 영화 및 텔레비전 업계에서 헤어 스타일리스트로 활동한 칼라를 인터뷰합니다.
글래데오의 기자 케이틀린 토레스가 드존의 영화 및 텔레비전 업계 경력에 대해 인터뷰합니다.
글라데오의 기자 케이틀린 토레스가 미코의 티칭 아티스트 경력에 대해 인터뷰합니다.