
비슷한 제목

Agronomist, Arboriculture Researcher, Crop Nutrition Scientist, Forage Physiologist, Horticulture Specialist, Plant Physiologist, Plant Research Geneticist, Research Scientist, Research Soil Scientist, Scientist

작업 설명

“Plants are vital to all life on Earth,” says the Smithsonian Institute. They not only remove carbon dioxide from the air we breathe, they literally produce oxygen, too! If that weren’t enough, nutrient-rich plants are the primary food source for most living things—including humans, who cultivate crops and consume their edible parts (i.e., vegetables). We also rely on seed-bearing plants which produce tasty fruits! 

Plant Scientists and Botanists study our world’s treasure trove of plants and ensure they’re well taken care of. From critical farm crops like corn, wheat, barley, and potatoes to plants we use for medicines or ornamentation, all these plants have unique needs related to the amount of sun and water they get and the type of soil they grow in. Workers must also identify and control pests, diseases, fungi, and other hazards to each plant type. 

Botanists focus more on classification, genetics, and ecology, while Plant Scientists prioritize cultivation, breeding, and disease management. Other related job titles include agronomists, horticulturists, plant pathologists, plant geneticists, and arboriculture researchers. 

경력의 보람있는 측면
  • 식물 및 관련 생태계 보호 
  • 인류가 먹을 수 있는 충분한 농작물과 약용 식물을 확보하는 것
  • 지역사회의 신체적 건강과 복지에 미치는 영향 
  • 유연하고 다양한 업무 수행 가능
2021년 채용 정보
2031년 예상 고용
인사이드 스쿱
직무 책임

근무 일정

  • Plant Scientists and Botanists work full-time jobs with nights, weekends, and holidays off. However, overtime may be needed to meet deadlines or during emergencies. Travel for fieldwork and site visits to farms or research stations may be needed, so there could be exposure to inclement weather or hazards such as pests or chemicals. 

일반적인 의무

  • Research better ways for planting, spraying, cultivating, and harvesting plants
  • Assess the effects of climate and soil conditions on crops
  • Run tests and experiments to find safe methods of storing and moving plants
  • Develop ways to boost crop quality and yields 
  • Understand pests, pesticides, plant diseases, fungi, and their effects on ecosystems
  • Classify pests; assist with pest control methods and means
  • Determine which insects may be useful, such as pollinators like bees and butterflies, or pest-eating bugs such as ladybugs and tiger beetles
  • Find methods to enhance soil, improve disease resistance, and control weeds
  • Review findings with employers, stakeholders, governmental agencies, etc.
  • Make recommendations to farmers about land usage and problem avoidance, such as mitigating erosion
  • Investigate problems such as poor growth; try to determine root causes like lack of nutrients in the soil or tainted water supplies
  • Examine how soil changes under various natural or manmade circumstances. Look for ways to amend or alternate soils to boost productivity 
  • Develop and help implement sustainable farming methods 
  • Conduct fieldwork and site visits to take soil samples, monitor situations, and look for hazards 
  • Collect data from site sensors; compile data using software and analyze results
  • Look for signs of pollutants and environmental changes that impact plants
  • Collaborate with appropriate governmental agencies when reporting pollution activities
  • Survey lands for classification and planning purposes
  • Research requirements for urban green spaces
  • Supervise land conservation/reclamation projects
  • Research plants to use for green fuels 

추가 책임

  • Stay up-to-date on crop/plant-related regulations, standards, and challenges 
  • Write and publish papers for peer-reviewed journals
  • Offer advice regarding environmental management and conservation
  • 지역, 주 또는 연방 기관에 기록 및 기술 보고서를 제출하세요. 
  • 공공 교육 및 인식 개선 프로그램 지원
  • 장비 교정, 샘플 추적, 데이터 입력, 실험실과의 협업
직업에 필요한 기술

소프트 스킬

  • 능동적 인 학습
  • 활동 조정 
  • 분석 
  • 세부 사항에주의
  • 의사소통 기술 
  • 비판적 사고
  • 결정적인
  • 디테일 지향
  • 독립의
  • 조사의
  • 모니터링 
  • 목표
  • 조직
  • 통찰력 
  • 고집 
  • 문제 해결
  • 추론
  • 안전 지향

기술 능력

  • 분석 화학
  • Botanical knowledge
  • 데이터 시각화 프로그램
  • 환경 모니터링 도구
  • 지역, 주, 연방 수질 규정 숙지
  • 현장 조사, 샘플링 및 실험실 기술
  • First aid
  • 유전체학 및 생물정보학
  • 지리 정보 시스템 (GIS) 및 원격 감지 도구
  • ImageJ image analysis software
  • 마틀랩
  • 미생물학 및 분자 생물학
  • 개인 보호 장비 사용
  • Plant breeding and genetics, physiology and biochemistry, propagation, cultivation, and pathology
  • Programming languages like R and Python
  • Safety protocols working around pests, pesticides, and chemicals 
  • 과학적 글쓰기 
  • 통계 분석
다양한 유형의 조직
  • 생명공학 기업
  • 식물원
  • 교육 기관
  • 원예 비즈니스
  • 실험실
  • 보육원
  • 지역, 주, 연방 정부 기관
  • Pest management companies
기대와 희생

We rely on Plant Scientists and Botanists to conduct diligent research that enhances our understanding of plant biology, ecology, and agriculture. Through their tests, experiments, and findings, society can benefit from better agricultural practices, enhanced plant traits, and more sustainable solutions for food security and environmental challenges. Without their hard work, we could face crop shortages or ecological nightmares. 

The responsibilities are huge, but workers often serve as part of larger interdisciplinary teams! They must sometimes get out in the field to conduct assessments and gather samples, so expect regular travel and exposure to inclement weather or other environmental conditions. In addition, there may be potential for exposure to pests, pesticides, and chemicals, so it is important to wear appropriate protective gear like gloves, goggles, or face masks. 

현재 동향

There are several trends in the plant science industry right now, with three of the most important being precision agriculture, the demand for more plant-based foods, and the need for climate-resilient crops. 

Precision agriculture relies on high-tech, data-driven approaches to optimize agricultural practices. Sensors, drones, GPS technology, and data analytics all play a part in this new wave of smart farming, which lets farmers tailor irrigation, fertilization, and pest control to improve yields and reduce waste and environmental impacts!

The demand for plant-based foods has risen thanks to health and environmental concerns, not to mention many consumers just don’t want to eat meat anymore. Plant Scientists are hard at work developing ways to improve plant-based alternatives to meat-based products. They are also striving to enhance climate-resilient crop varieties, breeding plants that can tolerate extreme temperatures, drought, flooding, and other environmental stresses. 

이 직업에 종사하는 사람들은 어렸을 때 어떤 종류의 일을 즐겼습니까?

Plant Scientists and Botanists are often very patient and probably always loved working in the garden, getting their hands in the soil. They care about plants and the important benefits they contribute to our fragile ecosystems. They’re also analytical and likely excelled in STEM subjects from an early age, and liked being able to apply science concepts in practical ways. 

교육 및 훈련 필요
  • Plant Scientists and Botanists generally need a bachelor’s with a major in plant science, plant biology, botany, horticulture, agricultural science, viticulture and enology, or a related field
  1. A master’s in plant science may not be needed but can make you more competitive and may qualify you for a higher starting salary or position
  2. Per CareerOneStop, 60% of Plant Scientists have a bachelor’s, 27% have a master’s, and 13% have a doctorate 
  • 일부 학생들은 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있는 학사/석사 복수 학위 과정을 선택하기도 합니다.
  • 인턴십을 통해 실무 능력을 개발할 수 있습니다. 해외 유학 기회는 학습 성과를 확장할 수 있는 또 다른 방법입니다!  
  • 일반적인 대학 과정 주제는 다음과 같습니다:
  1. Horticulture 
  2. 식물 생물학 
  3. 식물 육종 및 유전학 
  4. 식물 병리학 및 식물 미생물 생물학 
  5. 토양 및 작물 과학
  • Students in some programs will need to select an area of concentration, such as:
  1. Ecology of Managed Landscapes 
  2. Organic Agriculture 
  3. Plant Breeding & Genetics 
  4. Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology 
  5. Soil Science
  • 선택적 인증에는 다음이 포함됩니다.  
  1. 미국 원예 과학 협회 

         - 준전문 원예사    

  1. 미국 농경학 협회

         - Certified Crop Adviser - Resistance Management Specialty
         - Certified Crop Adviser - Sustainability Specialty    
         - Certified Professional Agronomist 

  1. 미국 농장 관리자 및 농촌 감정사 협회

         - Accredited Agricultural Consultant    

  1. 미국 곤충 학회

         - Associate Certified Entomologist

  1. International Code Council’s Soils Special Inspector    
  2. 국제 수목 재배 학회

         - Tree Risk Assessment Qualification

  1. 습지 과학자 협회

         - Wetland Professional in Training

  1. 미국 토양 과학 협회

         - Associate Professional Soil Scientist    

대학에서 찾아야 할 것들
  • Students should seek colleges offering majors in plant science, plant biology, botany, horticulture, agricultural science, or a related field
  • 인턴십 또는 실무 경험을 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 프로그램을 찾아보세요. 
  • 수업료 및 수수료 비용을 비교하여 주 내 비용과 타주 비용에 주목하세요.
  • 장학금 및 재정 지원 옵션 검토
  • 졸업생을 채용하는 회사와 파트너십을 맺은 프로그램이 있는지 확인하세요! 
  • 졸업생에 대한 졸업 및 취업 통계 기록하기 
고등학교와 대학에서해야 할 일
  • Sign up for high school classes in biology, chemistry, math, environmental studies, Earth science, physics, geology, ecology, statistics, and writing. Consider doing advanced placement classes if possible 
  • You’ll need a strong math and science foundation, plus experience with computer programs and laboratory work! Get some scientific research and lab experience under your belt, any way you can
  • Start your own garden at home or at a community plot 
  • Look for internships, cooperative experiences, part-time jobs, or volunteer projects while in college. You could work at a plant nursery, on a farm, or for a local college.
  • Ask a teacher or counselor about school-related plant or agricultural programs you can participate in. Also, participate in extracurricular activities where you can manage projects and work with teams
  • Read books and articles and watch YouTube channels about plant science and botany. Get in the habit of reading technical materials such as scientific papers, and not just blogs
  • Take ad hoc courses via Coursera, Class Central, and other sites
  • Request an informational interview with a working Plant Scientist or Botanist in your community
  • 전문가 단체에 가입하여 배우고, 공유하고, 친구를 사귀고, 네트워크를 확장하세요( 리소스 > 웹사이트 목록 참조).
  • 나중에 추천인 역할을 할 수 있는 사람의 이름과 연락처 정보를 추적하세요.
일반적인 로드맵
식물 과학자
1차 직장에 도착하는 방법
  1. The states with the highest concentration of jobs are North Dakota, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Montana
  2. The states that pay the most for these jobs are Washington D.C., Louisiana, Maryland, Alabama, and Mississippi
  • 대학 교수, 전 상사 및/또는 동료에게 개인적인 추천인 역할을 해줄 의향이 있는지 물어보세요. 사전 허가 없이 개인 연락처 정보를 제공하지 마세요.
  • 학교 커리어 센터나 친구들과 함께 모의 면접을 해두면 실제 면접에서 더 편안하게 준비할 수 있습니다.
  • 면접에 적합한 복장을 갖추고 해당 분야에 대한 열정과 지식을 보여주세요. 
사다리를 오르는 법
  • 현재 업무에 최선을 다해 고품질의 작업을 제시간에 제공하세요.
  • 상사에게 추가 책임을 맡고 싶고 필요에 따라 추가 교육을 받을 의향이 있음을 알리세요. 승진 기준을 확실히 이해하세요.
  • Keep up with environmental trends and challenges that impact soil and plants, especially vital crops
  • 평생 교육 과정, 워크샵 또는 컨퍼런스를 통해 새로운 기술에 대해 알아보세요.
  • 독립성, 성실성, 리더십을 보여주세요. 동료들과 대화하며 정보와 팁을 교환하세요. 다른 사람을 가르치고 멘토링하기
  • Stay on top of the latest software developments, and master programs or languages like R, Python, MATLAB, ImageJ, plant genome databases, etc. 
  • Participate in professional organizations like the American Society of Agronomy. Go to conferences and workshops. Give lectures. Keep learning and expanding your knowledge base and skills
  • 팀원들과 효과적으로 협업하고 지역 환경 기관과 긴밀한 관계를 구축하세요.
  • Knock out a specialty certification such as the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers’ Accredited Agricultural Consultant cert
  • Publish papers in high-impact journals to demonstrate your research skills and to get your work seen by a wider audience
  • Complete a graduate degree and consider specializing in a hard-to-fill niche. Currently, there’s a need for experts in plant breeding, plant pathology, soil science, environmental plant science, and molecular plant biology
  • 사내 채용 공고를 눈여겨보세요! 경력 목표에 맞는 직무에 지원하세요
계획 B

Most Plant Scientists and Botanists express satisfaction with their careers, but of course, not everyone wants to work in these fields. Some may want more money; others might want more job opportunities in the area where they live. Many towns and cities simply don’t have a lot of openings for Plant Scientists and Botanists. 

If you’re interested in related career options, consider the below similar occupations: 

  • 농업 및 식품 과학 기술자    
  • 농업 엔지니어
  • 생화학자 및 생물물리학자    
  • 생물학자
  • 화학 기술자    
  • 보존 과학자 및 산림 관리인    
  • 환경 과학자 및 전문가    
  • 농부, 목장주 및 농업 관리자    
  • 산업 생태학자
  • 미생물 학자    
  • 정밀 농업 기술자
  • 수의사    
  • 동물학자 및 야생동물 생물학자

뉴스 피드

온라인 과정 및 도구